7 Blogging Goals

by - 10:41 PM

Not to be self-proclaimed or anything but I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. By definition, a jack-of-all-trades is a person who can do many different types of work but who is not necessarily very competent at any of them. It implies that by trying to learn many things, you give up the mastery of any of them. But there's an interesting idea from David Cole that this is a myth (let's talk about that some other time). I guess what I'm trying to say is despite the many things that I would like to do at the same time, it helps to define objectives and targets in my blogging life. I find it challenging to extract these from my ever-disorganized mind but I'll give it a shot. So here are my blogging goals for the time being:

1. Have an end-of-the-week entry. Along with my posts every now and then, I intend to maintain a weekly entry that will highlight my week's favorites. Be it in music, tv shows and everything else under my leisure list.

2. Be original. As much as possible. I mean it's hard to perceive what's original or not these days. I've seen a lot of people use someone's idea and pretend it's their own. It kind of disgusts me in all honestly. However, there's really no such thing as starting from scratch. What I want to emphasize is although I could get inspiration from other blogs, I'd still be able to create something unique that would express who I really am. But at the same time giving credit to where it is due.

3. Write not just for the sake of writing. I hope I don't compromise this because of my first commitment. So you know what they say, make writing a habit. And as cliché as it may sound, always write from the heart.

4. Minimize linking other photos. Refer to number 2 and you'll know I'm a bit of a hypocrite. Half-kidding. The photos that I've used for my past entries are from different blogs (I put credits at the bottom) because I'm such a rookie at photo editing. But I'll try to make my own (or perhaps use fotor) from now on.

5. Interact more with bloggers. This is challenging than I thought. I want to think that I'm selectively social/ambivert or whatever label or category people made in order to comfort themselves. So I commit to take baby steps in interacting more with different kinds of bloggers to widen my perspective.

6. Make money out of blogging. Now this is the difficult part. I don't like to do it because of the profit but since there is an opportunity, let's let it in. Also, we're paying for the domain so we want the return of investment, don't we? I just do not know how to put ads and carry this out without annoying the readers (myself included). This is something I have to research first.

7. Have fun! And don't take everything too seriously.

There you have it, ladies and gents, my 7 blogging goals that would most likely be just a drive for the next few months. To be fair to myself, I hope not.

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