
by - 10:43 PM

I'm listening to Rivermaya's songs on Spotify while looking absent-mindedly at my computer screen in our laboratory trying to figure out what other things I must put in my manuscript. Then it hit me: OMG. I'm leaving in a few months' time. My life in Taiwan is finally coming to a conclusion.

I guess it's natural wanting to stay here juuuust a little longer when you're about to leave. That's what makes it bittersweet. You know that feeling when you're about to transition to a different stage and suddenly everything just starts to become less shitty, more peaceful, and more comfortable? It makes you think, why don't I stay longer? Why do I have to leave this kind of life? Don't get me wrong, I miss my family sooo bad but living here has become my comfort zone in a way. Apart from the language barrier and some bumps along the road literally and figuratively, everything here is just so convenient.

Taiwan has become my home. Not just because of the place but more so of the people that I established relationships with. Living with people for many years that are not your family has never felt this challenging. You get to show your positive traits but when those are slowly stripped away, you hit rock bottom and your worse comes out on the surface, you only know 2 things. First, you discover parts of yourself you wouldn't have known otherwise. Second, you prove how genuine your friends are. And I'm blessed enough to have these two.

I got to know more of myself from being in and out of my first relationship while I'm here in Taiwan. I gained people whom I no longer call friends, but family. And through these times, I got to know more about Jesus. That's when I realize, though my mission here is almost done, I'm never leaving Taiwan. After all, how can you leave something that is already etched in your heart?

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